Environmentally Friendly Move

Here are a few easy ways to make your move more friendly to our planet.

Tips for moving green.

  • If you are doing the packing yourself, use recycled or reusable packing material.
  • Rent "E-Boxes", they take up less room, and they are less expensive then a carboard box.
  • Recycle, donate, or sell items you don't need before packing.

The Super Mover Center offers all materials needed for "GREEN" packing and moving.

When you are at your new home.

  • Buy energy efficient light-bulbs.
  • Use non toxic cleaning supplies
  • Start a new habit of recycling paper and plastic in your new kitchen.
  • request paperless bills.
  • stop junk mail by contacting Mail Preference Services at the District Marketing Association.
  • Find out where your new cities recycling centers are at earth911.org.